The Bendalloy Co.

Bendalloy is ideal for bending extruded or rolled sections of tubing, press tools, gas tight seals, fusible plugs and casting for reproduction in detail, and if you have a waveguide bending problem we can provide a solution.

Bendalloy is normally used for producing bends in thin walled brass, mild steel, copper and stainless steel tubing. Bendalloy is the UK equivalent of Cerrobend, manufactured in the U.S.A and has the same properties and specifications.

Bendalloy Direct are specialist suppliers of low temperature melting alloys, bendalloy, cerrobend, bizmuth, lens alloys and polybend. Besides these products Bendalloy specialise in providing solutions for your tube bending or work holding requirements.

Bendalloy can also provide you a solution for repairing galvanised items with zilt or zinc sticks.

The Bendalloy Co. Overview