J and S Fasteners and Fixings

Here at J & S Fasteners and Fixings, we are a family-run operation, dedicated to providing the most reliable, convenient and cost-effective service possible for you, the customer.

We know the importance of customer care and aim to provide top-quality engineering related products at very competitive prices, and from a consistently reliable source.

We are able to offer:

A wide range of fasteners and fixings designed for industrial work

Tools, abrasives and safety products aimed at the engineering and fabrication areas of industry.

Products designed for the construction and maintenance areas of industry.

Products Specialised for Ariel and Rigging Work

Products specialised for marine work

For our full range of products, visit our website www.jandsfasteners.co.uk or contact our Sales Team on 01524 383344

J and S Fasteners and Fixings Overview