Secure storage

Secure storage ensures that products are kept in the right atmospheric conditions as well as being safeguarded from unauthorised entry by thieves or vandals. Facilities like warehouses or factories implement safety procedures to ensure that their contents remain undamaged. One concern regarding storage is that products may be damaged by extremes of temperature as well as by the entry of pests like insects or contaminants such as dust. To prevent this from occurring, such facilities are equipped with an air and ventilation system to regulate temperature. Pests and dust can be excluded by an insulation system around both doors and windows. Secure storage also includes the safety measures which must be taken to deter thieves. Safety procedures, manned or electronic surveillance, a security alarm system with sensors and detectors attached to an alarm can all be used to ensure that the storage facility is protected. Many such companies use access control and issue their employees with a magnetic swipe identification card. Secure storage concerns those occupied with production or in the retail sector such as supermarkets. Keeping products in the correct conditions can prevent wastage or spoilage thereby saving lots of money whilst security measures deter thieves.