Speaking and Presenting

The ability to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently is frequently what separates the successful from the rest. Learn clear, straightforward, practical expert presentation strategies to get your ideas heard and your key messages received and understood.

Presentation Skills Training

The ability to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently is frequently what separates the successful from the rest. Learn clear, straightforward, practical expert presentation strategies to get your ideas heard and your key messages received and understood.

A range of learning solutions

Developing your people is critical to buisness success, and yet it is not always easy to balance that need with the operational realities of day to day business. That is why Speaking and Presenting offer a range of learning solutions that help you meet those challenges. Whatever the time available and whatever the budget, we have a learning solution for you.

Effective Presentation Skills Workshops

Workshops: Learning in a group workshop environment with immediate access to expert tips, advice and support is a powerful development vehicle and increases the application of learning to the real work world.

Virtual Classroom Learning

Virtual Classroom: Improved technology has now made it much easier to meet for virtual training sessions in a secure online environment. This works better for smaller groups and still provides access to an expert trainer and facilitator whilst saving on travel and accommodation costs as well as time away from the workspace.

Learn anytime, anywhere

Online Courses: Learn any time, anywhere and on almost any device. Allow individuals to take responsibility for their own learning, supported by an expert instructor and fellow student communities.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning:  Combining different learning interventions to get the best possible value for your needs.

Communication Skills Matter

Communication skills are something that many of us take for granted. After all, we are constantly communicating all day every day, both through the spoken word and non verbal communication. The big question of course is how effective is our communication? The answer is typically less encouraging. George Bernard Shaw once said 'the single biggest problem with communication is the illusion it is taking place'. That is a great quotation that really sums up the communication challenge. Effective communication is harder than it might appear and a lot of time and money can be wasted very quickly when messages are unclear.

We all have ideas we want to share and it can be frustrating and stressful when we are not sure of the best way to get our ideas heard.

Business Presentations

Perhaps you are a manager who has to regularly give business presentations to clients, or provide project updates to colleagues.
You might be a small business owner seeking to get the message out about the benefits of your product or service
You may have a management team that need to strengthen their relationships and how they communicate with each other
You may be one of the people who is not at all happy standing up in front of people and speaking in public or who has a real fear of public speaking.

Communication is a critical business skill

The ability to communicate clearly is a critical business skill. Remember, we are always communicating but frequently we are not sending the messages we think we are sending. We are communicating something entirely different.

We have all sat through painfully dull presentations that are loaded with statistics, data, charts, graphs and tables. The chances of us remembering what the presenter said is low. (sometimes - that can also be the case for the presenter :-) Unfortunately, the presenter is frequently blissfully unaware of just how ineffective their presentation has been. They have accidentally sent a completely different set of messages to their audience than they had intended - assuming they were clear on their messages in the first place.

Communication skills really matter.

Talk to us now about opportunities to strengthen and develop your communication skills.

Speaking and Presenting Overview