Airblast Eurospray operates throughout the world. Our USA business, Airblast AFC, has been delivering market-leading paint spray booths, abrasive blast booths and powder coating equipment to American markets since 1965.

We believe communication is the key to any successful project and offer a beginning-to-end service that allows us to create facilities driven by the customer’s requirements.

Our team of skilled engineers will translate information from an initial consultation into a design solution which can then be tailored to your exact specifications. We work with you through every stage of the installation process to ensure that the project is moving in the right direction and that the final product fulfills all of your requirements.

We also have a highly qualified, reliable team of sub-contractors, including engineers, architects and M&E contractors. This team enables us to focus on the main task of developing surface preparation and finishing facilities whilst they provide supporting services.

We have spent many years developing and growing our network of contractors and our team is now fully settled and integrated. In our experience, we have found that very few other companies can offer a ready-made supply chain of this nature, giving us a distinct advantage when it comes to project management.

As part of our complete service, we provide comprehensive training for all operators to ensure that they are able to use the facilities and equipment safely and efficiently. We can also provide additional training further down the line to keep operators up-to-date with the latest blasting and painting technology and developments.

26 King Street Industrial Estate Peterborough PE6 9NF United Kingdom

01778 560 650
