Alianza Global Logistics Services Ltd

AGL is a well established, freight forwarding business based in Southampton – providing a full range of international transport services across the globe. 

  • Services including - Ocean freight (FCL and LCL) for full loads and part loads, Airfreight, Inland haulage
  • Family Run - Easily Contactable 24/7
  • Customs Clearance Handled Completely
  • Favourable Rates and Efficient Service
  • Perfect Services for Start-up Companies and Well Established Businesses

Please click here for a fast & free quote YOUR FREIGHT FORWARDER – Alianza Global Logistics Services Ltd

Showing 1 of 19 Products and Services
  1. Storage and Warehousing Services

    Storage and Warehousing Services

    Alianza Global Logistics Services are able to provide a range of both long term and short term warehousing services, depending on your specifications. For cargo that may be re-exported or has not yet been sold, bonded warehousing may be a viable solution. Alianza Global can provide a variety of bonded and non-bonded warehousing solutions near to seaports and airports across the UK. 

    We have a variety of options available for you to store your cargo. If you need to store your cargo and just take out a few cartons/pallets to deliver to final destination on a bi-weekly basis or if you just wanted storage until you had availability for this to be picked up, we can offer these services to you.

    Our cargo warehousing service can complement the transport of your goods across the globe to save costs, or can be provided as a standalone service to meet your requirements.


    Please feel free to contact us on +44(0)2380 171811, or fill in our simple form here to hear back swiftly from a member of the team!