Aura GmbH & Co. KG

AURA GmbH & Co. KG is a medium-sized company founded in 1982 that specialises in systems for industrial process heating.

The best technical solution from a single source, from idea to operation – that is the claim that you can make of us! We are very keen to support you in all questions and tasks as qualified advisers to ensure we find the best solution for your tasks. AURA is able to meet demands and commitments worldwide. We offer customised solutions for any kind of requirements of industrial machine or process heaters. We advise, design, plan, design, construct, manufacture, install and maintain individual heating and cooling systems according to the requirements of our customers. By concentrating various work processes within our company, we are able to ensure a smooth and flexible project process. By manufacturing pre-fabricated modular units (package units), which are extensively tested before delivery, our on-site installation is fast and safe.

AURA thermal oil systems are planned, manufactured, operated and maintained in accordance with general international guidelines and regulations. They are reliable, trouble-free and dependable.

Delivery programme: fired thermal oil systems, electrically heated thermal oil installations, fired water heater, electrically heated water heater, secondary circuits with and without radiator, thermal oil heated steam generators, steam-heated hot water systems with and without radiator, waste-heat boilers for heat recovery, water bath heater, thermal oil installations in the vapour / liquid phase, silencers

Advantages of AURA systems: shut-off and control valves equipped with stainless steel bellows, therefore absolutely tight; burners and safety devices are type-tested, meaning they are tested under the most difficult operating conditions and for specific safety criteria before receiving approval.

Benefits of thermal oil installations versus steam or hot water systems: operating pressure only four bars (up to 350°C)! Steam and hot water systems create 40 bars at 250°C, at 280°C 64 bars, and 120 bars at 320°C. No corrosion because thermal oil flows in the system. A thermal oil which is approved for 300°C and operates at 260°C can be used for more than 10 years without replacement.

Aura GmbH & Co. KG Overview