Discount Displays

Displays the easy way! We are a leading UK distributor of trade show display systems, including pop up stands, banner stands and exhibition stands as well as having our own in-house studio for large format printed graphics. At Discount Displays we have everything you need to take your marketing display to the next level.

Get in touch with us today for a quotation on our huge range of display and print products and our team of experts will be happy to help out.

You can read more about our more popular product categories below:

  1. 2 Step Hand Truck Step Ladder

    2 Step Hand Truck Step Ladder
    Move your boxes from the car to your exhibition stand then open up the steps and get to those hard to reach place to dress your stand, fix graphics or lights with ease. Read More
  2. Combi Hand Truck Steps

    Combi Hand Truck Steps
    Our combination folding hand truck and steps are a combination of three steps and trolley and are made with a lightweight aluminium frame. The combination hand truck and steps come with a sponge grip handle for a comfortable grip and has an easy folding system so that they can be stored and transported with ease while taking up minimal space. Read More