Logitech Ltd

Logitech are recognised as world leaders in many aspects of materials processing, shaping and surface finishing technology.

This position has been reached through many years expertise in materials processing and in the design and manufacturing of precision equipment.

Application areas where we can provide solutions and advance processing technologies include:

  • Semiconductor materials processing
  • Opto-electronics surface finishing
  • Optical materials processing
  • Geological science thin section preparation
  • Test & measurement of materials
  • Materials processing consumables


Cutting Edge Materials Processing Solutions

Our core business is in the design and manufacture of precision sawing, lapping and polishing equipment.  Our equipment is aimed at applications with the need for high specification surface finishes, prepared with precise geometric accuracy.

We are unique in our approach with "system packages", enabling clients to get the best from their application processes. As part of a system package, we include a high level of technology transfer and support to provide customers with reliable systems which meet the required specifications over a long period of time.

Materials Processing Development

Our active and continuous policy of new product development and matreials process development ensures we effectively suport our clients, whilst actively developing new systems and application processes for current and future materials.

call us on +44 (0)1389 875444 or complete our contact form at http://www.logitech.uk.com/contact-us.aspx


Logitech Ltd Overview