Power Forwarding Ltd

International freight forwarding is designed to transport your goods from A to B. We offer a comprehensive freight forwarding service and cover sea, air and road freight. When you choose us one of our expert team can help you to choose the best freight forwarding service for your needs and budgets. We have connections across the globe and work with a number of major airlines and port operators. We can transport all types of items and goods and our service is available to both individuals and businesses. With a wealth of industry experience, we have the skills, knowledge and resources needed to ensure your goods are transported safely and arrive in good time. Having carried out international freight forwarding for many clients over the years we have developed a well-known reputation for the service we provide.

We aim to eliminate the complexities of shipping for first time importers and exporters. With our guidance you can be assured that your shipment will arrive safely without the stresses and worries of understanding the many confusing shipping terms that plague this industry.

  • Professional team
  • Fast Response
  • Excellent Prices
  • Hand-holding service
  • BIFA & FIATA Accredited
  • Global Network
Showing 1 of 4 Services
  1. Sea Freight

    Sea Freight

    At Power Forwarding, as a freight forwarder, we offer our services from and to virtually anywhere from the UK, across to China and the Far East, Australasia and the Americas. Sea freight to and from the UK is by far the most common and cost-effective way of moving the majority of cargo to and from the UK.

    As an international sea freight service, the team at Power Forwarding are based in Essex and offers LCL, FCL and reefer services virtually anywhere at competitive rates. The largest market we cover is the Far East, this is simply due to the vast volumes from this region of the globe.

    For sea freight and shipping from the UK, get in touch with Power Forwarding, your local sea freight forwarder.