Reverb Product Designers

We offer two types of design consultancy

Product Design Consultancy

Good product design becomes powerful when imagination and inventiveness are used strategically. Reverb's methods have developed from the experience of designing products for some of the world's largest manufacturers and brands.

* New Product Concept Generation
* Product Innovation
* Product Styling
* 3D Branding

3D CAD and Product Realization

Reverb's fast-track product modeling service doesn't sacrifice design quality. Each design we model benefits from our experience refining and detailing products for some of the most sophisticated consumer product markets.

* Fast-track 2D-3D CAD modeling using Pro/Engineer software
* Data for rapid prototyping
* Design for batch production

Please call to discuss your project or to request a brochure.

176 Northcote Road London London E17 7DJ United Kingdom

020 8521 5120
