Shengzhou Tianyi Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

The enterprise is sincerely looking forward to clients from both home and abroad to visit and give instructions so as to collaborate for shared success!

Our aim is to provide the market and the customers with customized solutions like washing machine wash motor,Whatever a single product or complete sets of equipment.

Our vision: to be the leader of the global industry. Strive to create a global brand and establish a world-level enterprise.
Core value: responsibility, innovation, transcending
Corporate motto: be responsible for the employees, the enterprise and the society
Operational concept: humanism, honesty to boost enterprise, leading high-tech, winning global competition
Corporate spirits: mutual support, dedication and sacrifice, awareness of risks, constant transcending
Corporate demeanor: practical and strict, teamwork, dedicated service, swift and efficient
Behavioral norms: patriotic, love the enterprise, disciplined, honest, learning and innovative, responsible, collaborative, dedicated service, safe production, thrift and saving, polite and hygienic.
Development view: strategic initiation, independent creation, precise management
Innovation view: everyone is able to create a miracle
Safety view: safety is given top priority in production.
Quality view: quality is what the enterprise survives on.
Service view: deeming the following process as the customer of the previous one.
Environment view: environment leads to competitiveness

Shengzhou Tianyi Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Overview