Ventx Ltd

We are an industrial silencers manufacturer and design to meet a range of customer's requirements. There are a diverse number of applications where industrial silencers could be the perfect solution.

For us, as an industrial silencer manufacturer, we need to know about flowrate, up-stream pressure, up-stream temperature, connection size and type, and noise level required. With this information, we can begin to provide you with a positive, high performing solution.

Choosing The Right Design For Exhaust Ports

Choosing The Right Design For Exhaust Ports

When we’re working, we all want the environments to be as quiet as possible. With our wide array of silencing solutions, this can become a reality. Our business excels in designing as well as supplying many styles, including blow off silencers. They are able to perform their duties without undermining the system they connect to.

Sometimes, circumstances will require you to fit silencers into the exhaust ports of your machines. Before you can do this, you must choose the right design. Many products do look the same, but the performance is what separates them. You need to ensure you select a suitable model.


The first stage in picking an appropriate model is to turn to the equipment manufacturer’s guide. Then, you must figure out the airflow requirements for the machine’s regular operation. You should compare these details to the flow rate data you get from the guide. This way, you can decide what the most fitting unit for the situation is. This step is always essential. You must ensure that you don’t fit undersized silencers.


There might be a scenario where back pressure probably won’t be an issue for you. If so, then you can fit any silencer offering sufficient airflow. Just make sure you consider the maximum cost and noise reduction.

In contrast, you may need to fit the silencer to the pneumatic controls of a press brake or friction clutch power press, or have to fit it to a polluted airline. If so, you must give special consideration to certain silencers. These are the ones that guarantee maintenance free and long working lives.

At Ventx, we make sure that every silencer is capable of achieving the correct results. We accomplish this through the use of our acoustic modelling software. It enables us to examine your systems and determine what kind of product would work with them. In addition it means all products, whether it is blow off silencers or another style, will be fit for purpose.

If you would like our help, please get in touch. We work with clients from many industries and offer as much support as we can.

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