Ventx Ltd

We are an industrial silencers manufacturer and design to meet a range of customer's requirements. There are a diverse number of applications where industrial silencers could be the perfect solution.

For us, as an industrial silencer manufacturer, we need to know about flowrate, up-stream pressure, up-stream temperature, connection size and type, and noise level required. With this information, we can begin to provide you with a positive, high performing solution.

Noise should not get in the way of your mental health

Noise should not get in the way of your mental health

We are a company that assists the public by designing and supplying industrial silencers. The noise from these settings can cause a myriad of physical symptoms. However, the trouble can spread beyond this towards the mental side too. It is our job to help combat this in the best way we know how. That is by reducing the noise at the source, working closely with clients from a variety of industries.

New data

A number of recent studies into mental health reveal vital details. They show a powerful link between poor mental health and unrestrained noise levels. Even minor expansions can have a substantial effect. The scientists in charge found that a 10 decibel aircraft noise increase linked to a 28% hike in anti-anxiety medication use.
There was also another assignment. This had a look into people who live in areas with great amounts of traffic noise. It found that these people were 25% more likely to suffer depression than someone living in a quieter area.

You are not helpless

When it comes to mental health and noise, you are not helpless. There are options available to stop it from becoming a major problem. Inside many working environments, the ideal solution would be to invest in one of our industrials silencers. You may find yourself currently being troubled by inconvenient sounds. If so, ensure that you talk to the right authorities. Ask if they will look into the current problem.
Everyone has the right to live a life that is undisturbed by loud noise. You may believe that you can’t do anything. However, there is always something out there that helps. Anyone who has concerns about workplace noise should talk to those in charge of health and safety. They should be doing everything in their power to aid everyone.

Creating bespoke industrial silencers

At Ventx, customers can choose between many different silencers. This includes air compressor, generator, and fan options. We have more details of our products on the company website if you need more info. In addition, feel free to get in touch when you need our help.

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