Signature Cargo Limited

Freight forwarding with Signature Cargo

Signature Cargo is our dedicated freight forwarding division. Through it, we’re uniquely positioned to be able to satisfy all of your supply chain and international freight needs.


Thanks to our extensive network of carefully selected international agents and our in-house logistics resources, we’re able to provide a range of professional services. Our team brings together years of experience and the specialist tools you need, all at a competitive rate.

Through Signature Cargo, we’re also able to offer a full range of import and export air, sea and road freight services, as well as dedicated storage, specialist packaging, in-house customs clearance capabilities and more.

Whether it’s forwarding your goods to port, to the door or using our white glove specialist service, Signature Cargo’s global freight and logistic solutions run seamlessly together. We’re proud to always meet the needs of our customers with the efficiency, professionalism, and expertise they expect.

Get in touch with one of our team today to find out more.

Showing 1 of 16 Services
  1. Sea Freight

    Sea Freight

    We load and ship our own sea freight containers between our locations in New York and London every 2-3 weeks. From there, we handle all of the onward freight transport you need to get it to your premises.

    We also ship globally, using regular consolidated sea freight container services delivering to many different locations around the world every month. If you'd prefer us to ship your pieces in a sole use container, we can also arrange that. Just chat to one of our experienced team to find out more.

    Again, our expert team will manage all of the customs requirements for your shipment. This includes everything from customs clearance to permits, carnets, customs bonds, and any other paperwork that's required. If needed, we're also happy to personally supervise the loading or unloading of high value sea cargo that we're responsible for.