
Based in Leeds, West Yorkshire, we are ideally located next to the Horsforth train station. Making it easy for visitors and staff looking to reduce emissions and use public transport.

Challenging the status quo –We believe in the saying that if you carry on doing the same things you will always get the same results, so our mission is to show the market new ways to meet packaging demands in a sustainable, carbon conscious way.

Providing a platform – The process of ordering packaging is far too old fashioned which is why Sustabio have made it simple!  Upload your logo, click order and we can sort the rest.  Ordering online means that you can have the peace of mind that the pricing is fully transparent, and you know exactly what you are getting with the help of our Augmented Reality product similariton tool.

Supporting and contributing to UK manufacturing #bringitback – Having worked within the fashion industry for 10 years our founder, Stefan Christie is keen to help our economy become more self-sufficient and less reliant on the far east.  With the rise in freight charges and time it takes to bring packaging products from the far east there is not a better time to investigate bringing your supply closer to home.  This also will drastically reduce the carbon emissions involved with the packaging your company uses and help create jobs here in the UK.

Sustabio Overview