Total WSI Solutions

WSI  have been in business since 1995. WSI is a powerful network of marketers who strive to discover, analyse, build and implement digital solutions that help businesses succeed online and win digital marketing awards. 

WSI was named Top Agency at the 2020 Web Awards Competition two years running 2019 WebAward Competition, taking home 15 WebAwards and earning 45 quality points this year. The Top Agency Award is given to recognize the consistently outstanding development going on at interactive firms. The agency was recognized in the 2019 WebAwards for Best B2B Website, Best Medical Website, Best Restaurant Website, Best Home Building Website, five Outstanding Website WebAwards and six Standard of Excellence WebAwards. taking our total awards to over 100 since 2007. 

Our Digital Marketing Consultants use their knowledge and expertise to make a difference for businesses all around the world. We work with clients in the UK - mostly London and the home counties from this office. We also have offices in over 80 countries. 



Because it’s too big to ignore.

I’m sure you’re well aware of the emergence of smartphones and tablets, but really focus on how prevalent they are the next time you’re, well…the next time you’re anywhere. Take a minute to observe your surroundings when you’re in these places or situations:

The workplace – do we ever call anybody ‘at the office’ anymore? Not often, as our phones are always with us, even at meetings or during lunch. Many people also use their smartphones after work to keep up with the never-ending flow of emails. Meanwhile, tablets are gaining prominence in offices as they’re often used in the field to take notes and record video or for sales and presentations.

A coffee shop – the next time you’re in a coffee shop, count the number of devices you see in the store. Chances are there will be a few people fiddling with their phones in line, some others sitting alone having a coffee and reading the news or playing a game on their tablets, and the rest will be sitting in pairs or groups talking (but phones will still be in hand or somewhere close, maybe on the table). No crystal ball here – just reality.

Shopping – whether it’s checking their list at the grocery store, comparing product reviews and prices, or texting without watching where they’re walking, people are using their phones while they’re on the move.

A family function – check it out over the holiday season when you visit family. You’ll see both kids and adults reading and playing games on tablets and everybody will be checking their phones in between lulls in conversation. The lucky ones will get phones, tablets or other devices as gifts.

So, what all these hypothetical anecdotes have to do with mobile marketing and your business? Put simply, there are a lot of people living in the mobile arena, which means that’s where marketing needs to go. Look at the dawn of TV and the computer; new, poplar mediums attract scores of people, and the best marketing follows the people.

Here are a few reasons why putting your company into the mobile marketing game is so important:


According to the Pew Internet & Life Project, as of 2013, 56% of adult Americans have a smartphone and 35% have tablets. These numbers are rapidly rising year over year, especially among the younger generations (your future customers). You have to be where your customers are to be successful and your customers – no matter what business you’re in – are living in a mobile world. The optics for companies who refuse to get involved in the mobile market aren’t good – it looks like they are either falling behind and losing touch or they just don’t care. Consumers are giving businesses an opportunity to engage with them on a level they’re comfortable with…what’s not to love about that? For perception’s sake, try mobile marketing on for size…you may like how it feels.


Do you want to give your customers a consistent brand experience across all relevant mediums? Check for responsive web design. Do you want to reach your customers at the right times when they’re in the right locations? Check for GPS monitoring. Do you want to interact with your customers in new and interesting ways? Check for QR codes. Mobile marketing works and it’s out there making your competitors’ campaigns more efficient. By effectively integrating with your current digital marketing strategies, mobile marketing can increase engagement, boost conversions and enhance overall results.

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