B Braun Spray Head for 1L Hand Spray Bottle 6510094 - Spray disinfectant Meliseptol®

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  1. Lab Unlimited UK

    B Braun Spray Head for 1L Hand Spray Bottle 6510094 - Spray disinfectant Meliseptol®
    Disinfectant spray Meliseptol® For targeted spray disinfection of small surfaces and equipment. - Ready-to-use alcoholic solution - Effective against bacteria incl. T.B. -B fungi lipophilic viruses including Hepatitis-B and HIV rotaviruses - Pleasant odour - Dries thoroughly without residue - Effective within 5mins. - 250ml bottle for propellant-free spray disinfection of hard-to-reach areas. Overhead use also possible. Type: Spray head for 1L hand spray bottle Pack of 1