Century Fasteners Corp

CENTURY FASTENERS CORP is a Master distributor of fastener and non-fastener products, which include military, commercial, and electronic components. We represent a broad spectrum of the world's most prominent quality manufacturers and we have over 100,000 different part numbers in stock.

Companies of all sizes are realizing the benefits of Century's value added programs. Besides supplying our customers with quality products, we seek to streamline the entire supply chain, recommend alternative fastening solution , minimize inventory and boost productivity.

A program can be tailored for almost any company, large or small. Our In-Plant Store (IPS) solutions is for large companies seeking to maximize the benefits of a full time Century employee on site. Companies who have lesser volumes can take advantage of our local Bin Restocking (JIT) program. Even low volume manufacturers seek to optimize supply and demand. In this environment Century can offer a scanning solution to target the right level of inventory and availability.

50-20 Ireland Street 11373 Flushing New York 11373 United States

