Chat and Mingle

Do you want to make new friends? Do you want to share your interests with someone just like you? Do you want to make the best of relationships?

Chat and Mingle UK is the right place for you!

We help people with disabilities from Black, Asian and minority communities, living in the UK meet new friends with the click of a button. In a world that is fast-paced, we often feel lonely and deprived of love. With Chat and Mingle, you can make the most of the online world and meet like-minded people, share hobbies, dreams and just about anything!

We also provide carers and parents this amazing platform to find friends and meaningful relationships. For this, the person you are caring for must become a paid subscribe member.

Join us as we strive to make a difference in people’s lives with disabilities - for a happier, brighter, and a more loving world.

Find happiness with us...

For just £6 a month you can make every relationship count!

Sign up today! 


4 Buckstone Oval Leeds LS17 5HG United Kingdom

