Giant Screening Limited

At Giant Screening Limited, we offer you the very best technology to deliver pre-employment screening and background checking. The big idea? We're here to ensure that your candidate's experience is positive, your organisation is protected, and the time to hire is simply right.

Pre-Employment Screening and Background Checks. At giant screening, we offer you the very best technology and operational support to deliver pre-employment screening and background checking. We ensure the candidate journey is improved, our client's business is protected and the time to hire is positively impacted.

Utilising the best of breed technology, giant screening is bought to you by giant group. At giant group, we offer you compliance-driven global workforce management solutions using unrivalled technology and smart managed services.

Our offering has grown with decades of technological improvement and customer feedback. Whatever your industry or regulatory environment, we can start from scratch, or enhance your existing processes.

3 Harbour Exchange Square London E14 9TQ United Kingdom

0207 167 4678


Matthew Armstrong, Director