JIS is small enough to give every order our personal attention.

And large enough to have all the expertise and experience you require to meet your requirements 

Our electronics division handles both the design and the manufacture of items such as printed circuit board assemblies, looms, harnesses and programmable logic controllers as well as complete products and larger control cubicles.Complex systems integration wiring is a futher speciality we have acquired exceptional expertise in providing through our work on large scale contracts.

We specialise in short run, purpose designed products where quality assurance test engineers inspect and test at each stage of manufacture.

in fact, we have been able to meet both governmental and commercial manufacturing requirements in all cases.  

JIS can produce transformers and wound components to meet every possible specification and have developed over 2,000 original designs. Whatever your requirement, we are more than likely to have already produced something very similar. 

18 Farnborough Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 6AY United Kingdom

