Matter of software

Matter of Software is a web, app and software development company. Specialising in designing beautiful and creative websites that are responsive and have a large emphasis on user experience and visitor conversion.

Our marketing team build specific campaigns that increase your brand profile, and drive organic and paid traffic to your site, ready for conversion. 

Software coding has been at the heart of the company since its birth in 2004. From data capture and cleansing programs, back of house integrations such as ecommerce to warehouse stock level control and workflow solutions that streamline business methods to increase time, customer satisfaction and most importantly profitability.

We are proud to have helped many amazing clients in various countries from large corporations such as: Carlsberg, Aviva, B&Q, Alpharma to sole traders and SME's in Solihull.

As well as having this tremendous coding talent in house, we offer our developers to others with a need of code such as other web designers, graphic companies and any company that has their own in house development team as a resource for hire services.

Number8, The Pavilions Cranmore Drive Solihull B90 4SB United Kingdom

0330 223 3891
