Ventx Ltd

We are an industrial silencers manufacturer and design to meet a range of customer's requirements. There are a diverse number of applications where industrial silencers could be the perfect solution.

For us, as an industrial silencer manufacturer, we need to know about flowrate, up-stream pressure, up-stream temperature, connection size and type, and noise level required. With this information, we can begin to provide you with a positive, high performing solution.

  1. Silencing autoclaves
    20 July 2020

    Autoclaves are not a new piece of equipment. In fact, the first steam steriliser dates back to the 19th century. This was when Charles Chamberland, a French microbiologist, found the benefits of using steam instead of open flames. Since then the technique has become a standard in medical facilities, research, and more. While the machinery is useful though, it can get noisy. Luckily, Ventx is here to help and can offer an autoclave silencer to suit any needs.

    What can an autoclave do?

    There are lots of uses for autoclaves. They are the best for applications that require sterilisation as the hot, high pressure steam can kill micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses. As a result they reduce the risk of infection and illness.

    The most common uses for autoclaves are medical, including in the creation of pharmaceuticals, sterilisation of medical instruments, dentistry, and the manufacture of prosthetics. However, they also have use in the veterinarian field, tattooing, and all sorts of labs. In addition, they are good for sterilising medical waste before disposal.

    The machines can come in a variety of sizes, from large ones with huge capacities to smaller units. The difference is usually down to the capacity. The largest models can be hundreds of litres whereas small ones can be less than 100.


    The thing to keep in mind with autoclaves is that they can be noisy. The steam is very hot and at a high pressure. As a result it can cause noise issues, especially with valves and vents.

    There are many cases where the noise from an autoclave is a bad idea. For example it could be a sensitive lab where the sound would disturb people and affect tests or research. Or, it could be a dentists or a clinic where the sounds would affect patients. Whatever the case, reducing the sound is a good idea.

    Choose the right autoclave silencer

    At Ventx we are confident we can design silencers to suit all kinds of autoclaves. Our team have a lot of experience and access to great equipment, including modern modelling software. As a result we can deliver the most suitable products.

    If you want to talk to us about autoclaves or need to create a bespoke autoclave silencer, please get in touch. We can give you the best service as well as exceptional support.

    Silencing autoclaves
  2. How does a steam boiler work?
    20 July 2020

    Heating and providing hot water in large industrial buildings can be very challenging. Standard boilers may not be up to the challenge, especially if there are lots of radiators and facilities. A great option here is to use a steam boiler. However, using them can cause noise that could become an issue. The solution is to choose a reliable steam boiler silencer.


    Steam boilers are pretty complex, especially in comparison to general gas, oil or electric models. There are two types – shell and water tube. The first has the hot steam flowing through pipes, heating water around them. The latter on the other hand is the opposite and has the water flowing through tubes with hot steam around them. Water tube models can achieve a higher pressure. Shell boilers can produce a huge amount of steam every hour.

    Both models can effectively provide hot water and heat for larger buildings. This is because steam can travel more easily through large pipes than water. It can also reduce the amount of pumps the boiler needs.

    These boilers can last a long time, especially with good maintenance. However, they can be noisy. One important feature is the blowdown. This enables the removal of dirt and sludge from the system. When the valve opens it can be noisy though. The system can also generate noise because of the steam, especially venting it.

    Steam boiler silencers

    If the noise from the boiler is causing issues, you can choose a silencer to dampen it. Ventx can help here, offering a reliable service every time. We design bespoke models to suit each specific system we are working with. That means we can offer the most appropriate solution rather than trying to make a standard model work. The end result is better performance and efficiency.

    You can contact us if you have any questions about steam boiler silencers. We can cater for all types of model and any size. In addition, we can provide ongoing support once the silencer is in place.

    How does a steam boiler work?
  3. Consider the long term impact of excessive noise
    20 July 2020

    If you are having problems with noise, our company has what you need. Industrial silencer design is our speciality. We use our skills to find solutions that will benefit clients. Since loud sounds can impact you in many ways, it will be worth your time to see what we can offer.

    Loud sounds may not directly appear to influence how we feel. However, with daily exposure, gradual effects can start to set in. Such exposure is common in industrial settings. The following are some of the most substantial long-term health problems people may experience due to industrial noise.

    Hearing damage

    We will cover the obvious one first, which is hearing loss. The ear is a sensitive array of compact structures. They work to focus and translate sound waves to your brain. Sound moves inside your ear canal. It then vibrates the eardrum and leads to three small bones vibrating. The cochlear hairs notice this and alter the vibration. It transforms into an electrical signal that’s for your brain.

    Workplaces where there are 85 decibels of unending noise are putting their employees at risk. Ears won’t have the opportunity to heal from temporary hearing loss. What’s more, cochlear hair cells will die eventually. This restricts the level of sound your ears can pass to the brain, leading to irreversible hearing loss.

    The cardiovascular system

    Another issue would be cardiovascular impairment. Frequent exposure to loud industrial noise can cause this. Loud sounds are often a signal to turn your fight-or-flight response on. Since this is the case, daily exposure begins this activation. Since this is the case, it can place stress on a fast-beating heart.


    The most important thing to keep in mind is that noise is a stressor. Loud industrial noise can stimulate the nervous system and cause the release of hormones that cause stress. People can struggle with several illnesses linked to too much stress. It can also affect concentration, make people feel tired, and affect the mood.

    Industrial silencer design

    At Ventx, to create the perfect products, we use state of the art acoustic modelling software. With it, we analyse your systems and decide on the ideal silencer design. This is one that won’t compromise your own systems. However, it will effectively reduce the sound to a safer level.

    If you would like more information about industrial silencer design, feel free to contact us. We have a wealth of experience so we can assist clients in all kinds of noisy industries.

    Consider the long term impact of excessive noise
  4. Top methods of industrial noise reduction
    20 July 2020

    The noises that come from industrial facilities can cause an array of issues. Firstly, the sound can affect people on site. This could harm their health, wellbeing, and performance. Secondly, the sounds can disturb people nearby, whether it is homes or other businesses. Thirdly, the issue can harm wildlife in the area. With all of this in mind, it is important to have a serious look at industrial noise reduction.

    There are a number of different ways for facilities to reduce noise. Ventx has a lot of knowledge of many of them as a leading producer of silencers. We want to take a quick look at some of the top methods you can use.


    One of the things you can do is install damping to help improve the soundproofing. You can install materials on walls, floors, ceilings, chutes, tanks, panels, and more. The goal here is to make it harder for noise to escape as well as reduce the volume of the noises that do.


    You have a number of options to reduce the noise that comes from loud fans. For example there are different silencers to choose from. You can also change the layout to remove anything that might disturb the airflow and cause noise. It may be a good idea to ensure the fans can work at their peak as well.


    Ducts can be very noisy and also create an issue because there needs to be openings to install them. This can allow more sound to escape from the facility. What you need to do is fit silencers to the ductwork and seal it, especially around openings in walls and other surfaces. Both of these can block noises.

    Pneumatic exhausts

    Noise from these can be really loud. Luckily you can fit silencers to reduce it dramatically. You can choose a silencer to deal with noise from back pressure as well as the release of air.

    There are many other things you can also do to reduce noise. This includes replacing pneumatic nozzles for quieter ones, getting quiet modern motors, and changing chain and timing belts.

    Talk to us about industrial noise reduction

    If you have an issue with industrial noise and want professional help, Ventx could be the perfect team to speak to. We have a lot of experience and can develop silencers to suit various needs. Our approach is to work closely with each client and to use the best 3D modelling software to deliver reliable silencing solutions.

    You can contact us if you have any questions about industrial noise reduction. We are happy to help and support clients in many industries, including manufacturing and power generation.

    Top methods of industrial noise reduction
  5. Why is air venting important?
    20 July 2020

    Many industrial processes rely on cooling to remove heat from equipment and systems. These cooling solutions can including heat exchangers and steam vents to help dissipate the heat. They can also include an air vent so it is possible to remove any air or non-condensable gases. The issue is the vents can generate a lot of noise. The team at Ventx can help with this. We have the skills to develop a steam vent silencer to suit any system.

    The issues

    The presence of air and non-condensable gases in a distribution network or process equipment can cause a number of problems. Most significantly, it can affect the performance and how efficient the plant is. On top of this, it can increase the start up time. So, the solution is to vent the gases so they are no longer in the system. However, it is important to get the venting right.

    If the air venting is not effective or not done at all, it can cause a number of issues. For example, it can hit productivity by reducing the heat transfer rate. Even a thin layer of air can insulate a heat exchanger and make it less effective.

    In addition, the air and other non-condensable gases left within a system can cause higher corrosion. This can lead to more wear on components in systems. With enough time it could even result in unexpected failures.

    Other issues include malfunctioning traps as well as a reduction of the steam pressure. It is wise to use traps with air venting to protect their performance and reduce issues.

    Steam vent silencer

    While air venting is important, it can be noisy. Luckily, Ventx can help by creating bespoke silencers. They fit directly on to the vents and have absorptive material to ensure effective silencing.

    If you need a steam vent silencer or any other model, we can create it for you. We have great resources, including top of the range 3D modelling software. As a result, we can get a better idea of important things like the fit and performance we can deliver.

    Speak to us today to discuss the benefits of silencing and why our equipment is the perfect option for you.

    Why is air venting important?
  6. Why we need noise control in harsh work settings
    20 July 2020

    Efficient noise control is something we work hard to help our clients achieve. For this to happen, we use acoustic modelling software. This helps us to design and manufacture the ideal silencers for everyone. It could be a HVAC system, a loud steam vent, a huge industrial fan or noisy machinery, whatever the need, we can provide a solution.

    In every single workplace it is important to consider the acoustics. The last thing you want is to leave your team working in a place that is too noisy for them to do their job. This can also be detrimental to their health and wellbeing.


    In industries like offshore oil and gas it is even more important to address the loud noises. This is because personnel live and work in the area and can’t escape the sounds. Exposing them to the noise for long periods can be really harmful to them.

    Managing the noise is beneficial for more than the wellbeing of employees though. For starters, it makes communication easier and can boost performance too. Being able to communicate effectively is important in such dangerous settings. If it is so loud your employees can’t hear each other, machinery, or even warning alarms, there will be more risks.

    Moreover, employees that reside on site need to be able to rest and relax when they are not working. This can improve their productivity and efficiency. If it is so loud they can’t sleep or unwind in their spare time, you can find more issues with illness and focus.


    Noise pollution and its effects also cause many problems for habitats. As a result, sound regulation is crucial for preserving healthy and safe wildlife. Many businesses will be capable of anticipating issues of this nature. They need to address their corporate responsibility. They need to tailor their initiatives to the wellbeing of animals and humans alike.

    Reliable noise control

    At Ventx, we help people to tackle the issue of noise through the use of our silencers. We match them to the application our team is currently dealing with. Therefore the silencer can serve your needs without compromising any of your other systems.

    If you would like talk to us about noise control and what we can do, please give our team a call. We are an expert team with access to wonderful resources. You won’t find a better partner if you need to tackle noise issues, even in harsh work settings.

    Why we need noise control in harsh work settings
  7. How close are workers and homes?
    20 July 2020

    High levels of industrial noise can cause a lot of problems for workers on a site and people who live nearby. With this in mind it is important to choose the right silencing solutions. These can help reduce sounds sufficiently to ensure operations don’t harm people. At Ventx we have a lot of experience in this area. As a result we can supply a diffuser silencer or any other model to suit a variety of requirements. This includes vents, fans, and loud machines.

    Location has a big impact on silencer design

    A number of different things can influence how much you need to reduce the noise in your facility or on a site. Perhaps the most important is how close people are. If you have people working near to a vent you will need to do more to reduce the noise so employees are not regularly exposed to loud noises. The same applies if the vent is close to a boundary and any housing.

    In both cases above the only option may be to design a large silencer. As a result you can make sure it has the capacity to absorb or diffuse a lot of the noise. You need to plan for this size to ensure you will be able to fit the silencer into the system.

    There will be many other cases where your vents are in out of the way locations. If there is nobody working close by and no homes in the vicinity, you may not need to reduce the noise as much. Here a smaller silencer could be all you need. However, you must think about how far the sound can travel and the possible environmental impact.

    Diffuser silencer specifications

    At Ventx we can design silencers to cater for almost any kind of specifications. For example we can offer large high performance models for vents close to working platforms and busy parts of sites. We use cutting edge software to design these products. This gives us a better idea of how they will fit systems and what kind of performance they can offer.

    If you have a good idea of what type of diffuser silencer you need or want info about the various models you can choose, we can help. Just get in touch and tell us about your needs. We can then offer advice and begin designing for you.

    How close are workers and homes?
  8. Acoustics means more than you think
    20 July 2020

    Many of us have had to endure the pollution that industrial noise brings. Fortunately, businesses can do a lot more to reduce the sounds and disruption. Thanks to our silencer designs, we have solutions for each situation. This includes the in-line silencer. We are able to create all of these effective tools using our acoustic software. As a result they will be more than up to the job.

    When you think about the word acoustics, what comes to mind? For most people it might be musical instruments. However, one definition of it is the science handling the reflection, transmission, reception, control, and production of sound.

    As you can see, acoustics is a much broader term than most people think. If you are struggling with loud noises from a local manufacturer or even a neighbour, it is likely acoustics are to blame as well as the volume. Luckily, acoustic engineering can have the answer in many ways.

    It is all about vibration and sound

    This form of engineering is a branch that focuses on vibration and sound. Normally, the engineers here concern themselves with noise management. Careers in this area typically involve considerable understanding of maths and physics. Furthermore, you would need a degree that focuses on an engineering discipline.

    Noise control

    This is one of the areas of acoustical engineering, hence why we are talking about it. The goal here is to suppress sound. This could be to enhance the quality of life of people on the site or nearby, or to meet environmental standards. Noise pollution is an increasing issue. This has motivated people to come up with solutions for reducing it. This typically happens through the use of silencers like ours.

    Do you need a bespoke in-line silencer?

    At Ventx, we know how important it is to design the right solution for each noise issue. Were you to put just any old silencer in a facility, it could undermine the systems already in place. This would cause more bad than good. It could even have the opposite affect and make the noises louder. With our help though, you can avoid this.

    If you require an in-line silencer or something similar, please contact us. We will do all we can to design a product that works for you. The acoustic modelling software ensures we get it right and also gives us more flexibility in terms of the design.

    Acoustics means more than you think
  9. Make sure you’re aware of the effects noise can have
    20 July 2020

    Control of noise pollution is necessary in order to ensure the well-being of everyone around. There are also requirements from authorities including legislation that mean you need to keep internal and external noise levels in check. Therefore, you should invest in a vent silencer. This way you will not have to worry about the impact that noise is having on you, the workers in your facility, anyone near the site, and the environment.


    Noise can have a big impact on your sleep and cause lots of health issues. Loud noises can wake you up and persistent sound can cause stress that prevents you from falling to sleep. This then has an impact on your health, including more fatigue, altering moods, and disrupting the functions of your body.


    Your ability to hear is an incredibly important sense as it enables you to be more aware of the things around you. However, you need to keep in mind that your ears cannot handle excessive noise. A single loud sound can cause a lot of damage. In addition, exposure to excessive noise over time can cause hearing impairment or even hearing loss in the future.


    Your ears have an important connection to your brain as they work together to make your body respond to things. So, any noise your body is around will result in messages being sent to your brain so that you know what to do about it. There can be a negative impact on brain functions when there is a lot of noise, including slower responses.

    Get a vent silencer to help with noise pollution

    We can help you get a silencer that is suitable for your specific application. Our team of experts know all about the different requirements our clients may have. As a result we can design the perfect solution.

    Ventx recognise that noise control is a key element in an industrial setting. We can cater for this by offering a suitable vent silencer or other silencing equipment. So, contact us today to start working with our team.

    Make sure you’re aware of the effects noise can have
  10. What type of attenuators do you use for a HVAC system?
    20 July 2020

    Our company has a long history of providing its customers with sound reduction devices. These are ones to reduce the level of noise in industrial environments. This includes our attenuators as well as many more models. With more than ten years of experience in industrial silencer design, we can help you meet all your needs.

    Two types

    One of the main systems that typically require an attenuator is the HVAC system. In order to silence these, you would use one of two forms of attenuators. These are the rectangular and circular models. With the former, you fit them into the ducts to minimise sound from the inside. With rectangular ones, you fit them over the HVAC system. Both varieties employ the same principle with limiting noise in these systems.

    Rectangular models come with dissipative silencers. They dissipate acoustic energy that is in contact with the sound absorbing media within. As for the circular attenuator, it has a head, which spins. There is also a tail in a cone shape. Another interesting fact about the circular model is that it is double walled.

    Sound absorbing insulation

    Within the interior wall, you will discover the sound absorbing insulation. This is what helps to keep the noise to a minimum. These attenuators do lower noise. At the same time though, they preserve the pressure changes within the HVAC apparatus. By doing this, air can easily flow through the system.

    You use noise attenuators as one wholesome component of the HVAC system. This is as opposed to having them in isolation. The result is superior performance. It is best to use them when you are installing the system instead of adding them in later.

    Talk to us about attenuators

    At Ventx, offering first rate silencers is one of the fundamentals of our company. One more thing that is equally important, if not more so, is customer service. The demands of customers vary with each new job. Since this is the case, we opt to make ours a bespoke service. This way, we can meet your needs with ease.

    If you would like to do business with us, please get in contact.

    What type of attenuators do you use for a HVAC system?
  11. The velocity profiles of silencers
    20 July 2020

    When you are dealing with loud noises in an industrial setting, you need the assistance of a company that knows what it is up against. Our team has been specialising in this area for years. Using their skills and knowledge, as well as our high quality equipment, we can create an attenuator that meets your specific requirements.

    Proven designs

    As time has progressed, silencer experts have come up with some rather standard silencer geometrics. These help us in handling the pressure drop vs insertion loss equation. Backed by development and testing, you can apply these designs on an application specific basis.

    You need to choose the right unit for your project. This helps you to obtain the necessary acoustic performance at an acceptable installed pressure drop. You label these designs based on a particular velocity profile. However, you can apply them to an extended array of velocities. You can do this when considering a suitable pressure drop.

    Low velocity

    This is just one of the models you can find. It is also possible to view this as the high pressure drop design. The geometry here offers you an incredibly high degree of acoustic performance. Be careful when the velocities go beyond 100 FPM though. At this point, the pressure drops start becoming inappropriate for the majority of applications.

    Medium velocity

    Of all the designs, this is the greatest all-round performer. Thanks to its straight through parallel entrance, there is huge insertion loss. The tapered tail discharge functions by keeping those pressure drops as low as they can.

    With such a model, you can work your way through all sorts of applications. This includes those ranging from 0 to 2,000 FPM. For most applications, there is going to be a decent amount of pressure drop.

    Order an attenuator from us

    At Ventx, we go out of our way to design your attenuator in the right manner. This is the only way for them to work correctly without compromising your system.

    We have done business with an exhaustive list of clients so we are confident in our ability to help everyone. If you need us for anything, you are welcome to contact us.

    The velocity profiles of silencers
  12. Handling the problems associated with air induction systems
    20 July 2020

    Noisy environments are not the best places to work in. However, we all have to make a living and it is tricky to avoid loud noises in many cases. If you are wondering what the solution here is, it would be to work with our team. We can create silencing equipment specifically for your premises. This is something we do using cutting edge software. The model could be that of an intake silencer or a different style. It all depends on you.

    There are those who need to employ a large gas or diesel-powered two/four stroke turbine or engine. Equipment like this draws huge amounts of air into the gear. This is for the sake of combustion. Air induction arrangements of this nature could be aspirated naturally. Alternatively, it is possible to use compressors or turbo chargers to amplify the air pressure being fed into the cylinders or air chambers used for fuel mixing. This increases performance or efficiency.

    The air’s speed

    The speed of the air that rushes inside can create a huge level of noise. Furthermore, the compressor’s or turbo charger’s high rotating speed might cause the sound to radiate. It can do this through the intake filter and down the induction pipe. The noise can therefore end up out in the atmosphere. The compressor or charger will be linked upstream directly in relation to the intake position.

    It is possible to get your hands on a solution using numerous types of rectangular or annular intake silencers. You can have these made to a suitable size so they match the attributes of the flow system.

    Design an intake silencer

    At Ventx, we have a team with more than a decade of experience in silencer design. Using this knowledge, we serve the requirements of various industries. In addition, we make it a point to stay flexible. We do this because we are fully aware that the needs of an individual can vary.

    If you require an intake silencer or something else, please get in contact with us. We can design the perfect product for you then manufacture and deliver it.

    Handling the problems associated with air induction systems
  13. The best way to use the in-line silencer
    20 July 2020

    Working in a noisy environment can be more than just annoying. In fact, it can hurt you physically and mentally. Our silencers are here to change that. If you need us to, we can provide you with an in-line silencer capable of lowering the sound your facility creates. We are able to design and supply a wide variety of other models as well.

    What are in-line silencers?

    A silencer of this nature is a pressurised model focused on lowering the noise from compressors and valves. In order to produce a suitable design, you must have extensive engineering knowledge. In addition, you will require accurate quality processes and sufficient field experience. The result will be safe products that offer high performance.

    It is possible to lower the noise that compressors or control valves generate in pipes using these silencers. Of course, you must insert them into the pipe in the right way.

    The best approach to take would be to fabricate silencers with special materials. These are ones that can absorb sound in pressurised settings. They will not be exposed to the flow directly. This kind of set up allows for greater velocities when you compare to regular sound absorbing materials. In the end, you will be able to preserve the higher initial acoustic performance.

    Think about the diameter variance

    With in-line silencers, they are properly flanged downstream as well as upstream of the pipe. The pipe’s sizing seldom enables someone to insert a silencer without considering certain details. Among these is the diameter variance. It is necessary to enlarge the diameter to guarantee internal speed control.

    When the source of the noise is a control valve, you should install the silencers close after this valve. Doing so will allow it to absorb the sound energy the moment it is generated.

    Talk to us to design an in-line silencer

    At Ventx, we make it a point to design our merchandise in the right ways. This way, each silencer can function properly. The existing system won’t end up compromised.

    If you need our help to create an in-line silencer, please let us know. We can discuss your system and the kind of solution you need.

    The best way to use the in-line silencer
  14. Inline silencer – Reducing noise from gas pipes – Ventx
    20 July 2020

    It can get to a point where the noise coming from your premises is too much to bear. At this stage, you should be thinking about acquiring a silencer. However, you must ensure that it is right for your needs. Our team can use advanced acoustic modelling software to provide the right solution. This could be an inline silencer or another model.

    Noisy gas pipes

    There are many industries out there that use miles of pipes to convey gas. The trouble with them though is they can be a huge source of noise. Specifically, this comes from the fans, compressors, or control valves within the pipes. There is one way to efficiently minimise the noise radiating from pipes. That would be with an inline silencer.

    The silencer must have the ability to obstruct the transference of the structure-born noise. This propagates as vibration within the pipe walls. It must do the same with the gas-borne sound growing within the pipe. Creating a silencer that can meet both of these needs is possible.

    Sound absorbing materials

    With these silencers, you can employ sound absorbing substances like fibreglass and mineral wool. However, another option would be a woven fabric acting as the absorbing material. The woven medium is not exposed to the flow directly. As a result, it permits far higher velocities inside the silencer passage. This is when you compare to your regular silencers.

    In addition, the woven material is capable of enduring greater mechanical loads. Furthermore, it preserves the high initial high acoustic performance for a far longer period. Traditional silencer designs are not capable of this.

    Design the right inline silencer

    At Ventx, we know that our silencers can benefit facility operators as well as the visitors and neighbours. However, we are aware of another fact too. This is that you need silencers to adhere to the UK environmental standards. Therefore, when we design your next inline silencer, we will ensure it can comply with the rules.

    If you wish to speak with us, you can do so by phone or email.

    Inline silencer – Reducing noise from gas pipes – Ventx
  15. Think about air pressure when installing your silencer
    20 July 2020

    Noise is troublesome in numerous ways. However, as long as you have the right equipment, it does not have to be this way. We are a company that can design and provide silencers to tackle the issue. They could be for a gas vent, fans, or various other systems. Regardless, we make certain they are suitable for the application.

    There is one major complaint people have about ventilation and HVAC systems; the noise they produce. At times, this can be due to a component that is broken. In most instances however, it is going to be as a result of normal operations. The answer here is to use a silencer. You may not be overly familiar with them though. If not, please read on to discover the considerations you must make when installing them.

    Noise control and air pressure

    One of the most vital things is to do your air pressure calculations. This can help you to determine what kind of silencer you need and the material.

    The truth is that the relationship between air pressure and noise control makes planning difficult. The majority of HVAC silencers include baffles. These are acoustic media that have millions of air pockets. Sound waves will eventually hit these pockets. When they do, the molecules come together. The energy transforms from sound to heat. What this does is lower noise efficiently. At the same time though, it produces a pressure drop within the air flow.


    The fans in any HVAC set up generate pressure. This pushes the airstream forward. Any barriers in the way will create back pressure and cause noise. They also minimise the efficiency of the fan responsible for pushing the airstream. To keep the airflow moving try balancing the pressure drop permitted by the fan with the silencer’s air resistance.

    A bespoke gas vent silencer

    At Ventx, we use acoustic modelling software when creating our silencers. With this, we can easily match our designs to the application. In other words, we can create a model that is ideal for you.

    If your gas vent or any of your other installations are causing loud noises and you want a bespoke silencer, please speak to us. We offer the best solutions and have the skills to serve clients in all kinds of industries.

    Think about air pressure when installing your silencer
  16. Get yourself a rotary blower discharge silencer
    20 July 2020

    Loud noises affect us in a variety of ways. Sadly, many of them are negative. This is why people operating industrial facilities scramble to find a solution to reduce them. We have several at our disposal, including the discharge silencer. In order to guarantee the best results, the Ventx team ensures that the chosen silencer can match your application.

    Rotary blower discharge silencers are among the most critical elements if you want to ensure high performance in blower arrangements. The majority of people have the impression that the discharge does not generate much sound. This is when you compare it to an inlet. Such information is false however. The high frequency pulsations and discharge sound are both common at the outlet. Moreover, they can be behind the destruction of systems functioning under high discharge and pressure velocities. The reason for this is that the elements mentioned before exist inside a closed system.

    No compression of the medium

    A positive rotary blower silencer does not compress the medium. Said medium is the one it moves to the discharge side of the blower from the inlet. The compression stage occurs when the line pressure accumulates at the open port. Here, you see compressed air getting pushed into the line. Such action leads to incredibly steep wave forms. These are ones that are typically destructive to equipment. This is if you don’t take great care of everything.

    Benefits of a silencer

    As for the benefits of a rotary blower silencer, one of the most important is that they aid with curbing the air flow’s effects. This is due to the vibration and pulsation that comes from the flow from a constricted area. It is rather high and can cause expensive damage if not handled properly. With a silencer however, your system can function in harmony.

    Designing a discharge silencer

    At Ventx, we supply our merchandise to a huge list of clients in various industries. They all require their own distinct designs to suit their processes. However, we make sure that each one is up to the task. We use cutting edge 3D modelling software to create the perfect designs.

    If you need a discharge silencer or another model, please contact us. We can help you to achieve your silencing goal.

    Get yourself a rotary blower discharge silencer
  17. Dealing with atmospheric pressure
    20 July 2020

    Industrial noise pollution affects us in a number of negative ways. It does so mentally as well as physically. Fortunately, there are solutions that can reduce the noises. We are a company that works very hard to supply them. With the likes of our discharge vent silencer, as well as our other designs, you can work in peace. The wider surroundings will also benefit.

    The issue with atmospheric pressure

    Oxygen, steam, nitrogen, air, natural gas, or other hydrocarbon gases and processes can be vented to atmospheric pressure. This could be released from a pressure that is higher than just a few KPa or psi. If it is, a harmful level of noise shall manifest. This can harm any workers close by. In addition, it can disturb the locals and wildlife.

    The pressure could be unexpected or planned. In either case, we will be able to offer you a silencing solution that is economical. We will do this by optimising the design to achieve an acceptable noise level. This is for nearby residents and workers.

    The specifications

    In many scenarios, the silencer discharge could be close to local housing or worker platforms. During these cases, there is usually no choice but to provide a huge absorptive silencer.

    However, sometimes, the vent discharge may not be close to platforms accessible by workers. Alternatively, it could be remote from local housing. Here it is often appropriate to use a lower spec model. A diffuser vent silencer could give you a cost efficient solution that matches your needs.

    A diffuser functions by supplying back pressure onto an inlet pipe. It manages the silencer’s flow. As a result, people think of it as a pressure retaining component. Consequently, you need to create it to the same standards as the incoming pipes.

    Order a bespoke discharge vent silencer

    At Ventx, we design silencers to help you control the noise issues plaguing your property. Thanks to the software we use, our team can create a model that is perfect for you. It will offer optimum performance and fit perfectly.

    If you require our services, especially if you need a unique discharge vent silencer, make sure you get in touch with us. We can guide you and deliver a great service.

    Dealing with atmospheric pressure
  18. Advice on choosing a suitable blow down silencer
    20 July 2020

    If you are in the market for a blow down silencer, then Ventx is the perfect company for you. We are a business with more than a decade of experience producing industrial designs. With us, you receive solutions to your noise issues that are both practical and cost efficient. Most importantly, each one is bespoke.

    At some point, as an engineer, you might need to come up with a specification in order to purchase a blow down silencer. Due to everything it involves, it may seem overwhelming initially. We are here to tell you that it does not have to be however. Moreover, we want to assist you with making the right choice.


    People use these types of silencers for blow down applications. We define these as where your objective is removing high pressure gas. This is from a set volume. Usually, there are time limits and one last blow down pressure. This will be near to the atmospheric pressure, which is typically 50 psig. The most recurring use of our special silencers is on natural gas pipelines and compressor stations. Before you purchase one however, there are certain details you have to know.

    The necessary details

    Firstly, we have pressurised volume. This is essential because larger volumes demand bigger silencer models.

    Maximum blow down time is also important. Longer times allow you to employ compact silencers. In emergency blow down circumstances, the total acceptable blow down could be 60 or 180 seconds.

    There is the final blow down pressure as well. You might end up specifying a pressure of 50 psig. If you do, it will become harder to match the time specification using an economic silencer selection.

    Order a bespoke blow down silencer

    At Ventx, we can meet the requirements of all sorts of industries. This includes the service and petro-chem to name some. They may need a bespoke silencer to reduce noise and improve accuracy. Whatever the case, we are here to aid them.

    Feel free to contact us if you require a blow down silencer or any other model. We use high quality software to design each one, ensuring it will suit your application.

    Advice on choosing a suitable blow down silencer
  19. The characteristics of the blow off silencer
    20 July 2020

    Loud noise is problematic for a host of reasons. However, you will be happy to hear that it does not need to be. All you have to do is speak to us. Our team can offer you special tools that can significantly diminish the sounds you hear. This includes the blow off silencer as well as many other models.

    There are many people out there who probably won’t be familiar with blow off silencers. The design includes a tube that has a closed end full of holes. The pattern, diameter, and number of these holes are determined by the necessary silencing value. The tube’s diameter is normally identical to that of the blow off pipe. This depends on the configuration and diameter of the holes. You can achieve a silencing between 10 and 40 dB(A).

    Silencer materials

    The go to material for silencers like these is stainless steel. However, it is possible to use other materials when you require high silencing values. Something else you can use with the silencer is a casing of sound-absorbing material. With such a construction, you can obtain a T.S.D. that reaches 60 dB(A).

    When you blow off steam and gases under pressure, you produce high sound levels. If you have one of our bespoke silencers however, it is possible to lower these levels so they are acceptable. In principle, you can design the silencer such that the pressure loss is trivial during blow off. As a result it can reduce the amount of noise.

    Design your own blow off silencer

    At Ventx, we have had the pleasure to work with an impressive amount of clients over the years. Thanks to our help, they have been able to design silencers that benefit them. In turn it ensures that their facilities are quieter and cause less harm to occupants, locals, and the environment.

    If you are currently thinking about purchasing a blow off silencer or something similar, please contact us. We can guide you, and use cutting edge software to determine what model you need.

    The characteristics of the blow off silencer
  20. The natural gas industry has its own set of noise risks
    20 July 2020

    If there is one thing our business can help you with, it is industrial noise pollution. We assist our clients by providing them with first rate natural gas silencers and other silencing equipment. Our products are not just for fighting loud sounds however. You must also have them in order to adhere to the UK environmental standards.

    The natural gas industry is no stranger to noise risks. Managing the noises is also becoming more of an issue for operators and owners of pipeline stations and production complexes. There are many vital problems that they need to tackle.

    Tonal and high frequency noise

    There is a big danger that sound in gas compression applications is discrete frequency or tonal noise. This is produced by rotating your equipment at an expected frequency. It relates to the number of gear teeth, compressor vanes, engine pistons, or fan blades and rotational speed of the shaft. Furthermore, you can generate a lot of noise by high pressure or flow drop via a valve. It is also possible for it to move long distances through the piping.

    Environmental noise

    This is another big issue. This kind of sound around transmission and gas production facilities can cause a host of complications. These include a decrease in local property values, sleep disturbance, and also harm to wildlife. These can undermine the relationship between the local community and operator. You can install compact compressor stations close to residential structures too. As a result, there have been more noise complaints calling for alterations.

    Come to us for natural gas silencers

    At Ventx, we can offer lots of solutions to deal with loud noises. The best way we know how is with our silencers. We offer a huge range of models, including inline, system, and natural gas silencers. To make certain we provide the right product for you, we use state of the art software so we can determine exactly what you need.

    If you need our help, please get in touch. We are happy to talk about everything with you to ensure you get the best service.

    The natural gas industry has its own set of noise risks
  21. The ways vent silencers operate
    20 July 2020

    There can be situations where the noise in industrial settings is too much to handle. When this happens, our team can provide a solution. We design the highest quality air vent silencer models and various other products. We do so to combat the overly loud sounds. Most importantly, we make it a point to match our utensils with the distinct application.

    A vent silencer, also called a blow off silencer, is a model used to lower unwelcome noise created by steam or gas flow inside a pipeline that discharges into the atmosphere. The noise can exist because of the high velocity flow through your valve. In addition, there is the turbulence around any barrier in the line that instantly alters or modifies the direction of flow. The obstacle could be an orifice or valve.


    Vent silencers are suitable for a wide array of applications. This is within purge outlets, high pressure vents, and system blow downs. Others include safety relief valve outlets as well as steam vents. We have the skills to create silencers for each of these needs.

    Blow down and vent noise is a process of temperature and upstream pressure. The effect of downstream piping, the valve type and size, and the type of gas you are venting are also significant.

    Our team of experts design every air vent silencer to reduce the amount of noise to the necessary sound pressure level specification. This is at an established distance from the silencer. This is why blow down and vent silencers are not normally part of a catalogue selection.

    Inside any blow off/gas or steam venting arrangement, the main release of noise energy happens at the open stack exit. You install the vent silencer at the stack outlet or within it. As a result it intercepts the noise before it is able to escape into the environment.

    Design a bespoke air vent silencer

    At Ventx, our designs benefit facility workers and visitors alike. At the same time, they are essential for you to adhere to the UK environmental standards. With the right model you can protect people who live nearby and wildlife.

    If you would like an air vent silencer or something similar, please come to us. We will provide you with whatever it is you need.

    The ways vent silencers operate
  22. The effects of various sound levels
    20 July 2020

    Noise pollution is not something you want to put up with. When you do nothing about it, it causes a myriad of issues. Some are physical while others are psychological in nature. To overcome this concern, we work very hard to create the most effective silencers in the industry. Our collection includes the steam vent silencer and various other models.
    The majority of research about the dangers of hearing damage has been performed for noises at work. With this data the Health and Safety Executive were able to create reliable statistics. These demonstrate the risks of hearing loss at several noise levels. Professionals made use of this research to establish the noise restrictions inside the Control of Noise at Work regulations. These demand that you lower noise levels and use ear protection when the level reaches or surpasses 85 dBA.

    Below 85 dBA

    It is also likely that a significant amount of people will experience hearing problems once the noise falls below 85 dBA. Because of this, something else the regulations include is a lower action level. This is 80 dBA. At this point and above it, employers need to train workers on the risks of hearing damage. They must learn how to minimise them too. This is in addition to wearing the right hearing protection. Moreover, they must perform an assessment that examines the amount of noise the workers are exposed to.

    Higher dBA levels

    These are even more problematic. With 105 dBA, the noise is so excessive that you only require 24 minutes of exposure within a single week. This is to equal the weekly upper limit of 85 dBA found in the regulations. The outcome for this 105 dBA situation would be the same as exposure to 85 dBA for 40 hours in one week. This may result in hearing damage.

    Come to us for a bespoke air vent silencer

    At Ventx, we work with all kinds of clients and always try to find the right silencer for them. We can create bespoke designs to suit a wide array of situations. For example we can offer silencers for different types of equipment, systems, vents, fans and more. We excel if you need an air vent silencer or any other specific model.
    Get in touch today if you would like to find out more.

    The effects of various sound levels
  23. Noise should not get in the way of your mental health
    20 July 2020

    We are a company that assists the public by designing and supplying industrial silencers. The noise from these settings can cause a myriad of physical symptoms. However, the trouble can spread beyond this towards the mental side too. It is our job to help combat this in the best way we know how. That is by reducing the noise at the source, working closely with clients from a variety of industries.

    New data

    A number of recent studies into mental health reveal vital details. They show a powerful link between poor mental health and unrestrained noise levels. Even minor expansions can have a substantial effect. The scientists in charge found that a 10 decibel aircraft noise increase linked to a 28% hike in anti-anxiety medication use.
    There was also another assignment. This had a look into people who live in areas with great amounts of traffic noise. It found that these people were 25% more likely to suffer depression than someone living in a quieter area.

    You are not helpless

    When it comes to mental health and noise, you are not helpless. There are options available to stop it from becoming a major problem. Inside many working environments, the ideal solution would be to invest in one of our industrials silencers. You may find yourself currently being troubled by inconvenient sounds. If so, ensure that you talk to the right authorities. Ask if they will look into the current problem.
    Everyone has the right to live a life that is undisturbed by loud noise. You may believe that you can’t do anything. However, there is always something out there that helps. Anyone who has concerns about workplace noise should talk to those in charge of health and safety. They should be doing everything in their power to aid everyone.

    Creating bespoke industrial silencers

    At Ventx, customers can choose between many different silencers. This includes air compressor, generator, and fan options. We have more details of our products on the company website if you need more info. In addition, feel free to get in touch when you need our help.

    Noise should not get in the way of your mental health
  24. Answering your noise related questions
    20 July 2020

    Helping to control the high noise levels that people experience is what we do. We use a wide variety of silencers to accomplish this, including industrial models. What makes ours stand out however is that we match each industrial silencer to the application using our specialist software. This produces much better results.
    We often receive questions about noise and the trouble it can cause. To help, we are going to reveal some of the answers to some of the common queries here.

    When does noise become a problem?

    To begin with, we will cover when noise becomes an issue. According to English law, a nuisance is an interference with someone’s use of land or enjoyment that is unlawful. The procedure of deciding what amount of noise causes this kind of response is subjective. For example, you might consider the quantity of sound, its timing, and the length. Individuals frequently use these to figure out whether there is actually a nuisance.

    What are statutory nuisances?

    Next, we will go over what a statutory nuisance is. It is the duty of local authorities to handle these nuisances under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. For noise to count as one though, it needs to be prejudicial to health. Section 79(1)(g) and (ga) of the act have relevant information on this topic.

    What is an abatement notice?

    It is very important to know about these. Sometimes, the local authority may believe that a noise issue is a statutory nuisance. When they do, they can distribute these notices. This notice could require you to limit the noise to certain points in the day. Alternatively, you might have to stop it entirely. They can serve the notice on the responsible individual. Once served, they have 21 days to appeal.

    Talk to us to design an industrial silencer

    At Ventx, we can design systems to help you keep noise levels to a minimum. This way, you will avoid awkward meetings with the local authorities and also won’t harm your neighbours. Everyone will be able to carry on as normal without any complications with a bespoke industrial silencer.
    If you want to discover more, feel free to get in touch. There is also a lot of info on our website.

    Answering your noise related questions
  25. Noise Is More Than An Issue Now Than It Was Decades Ago
    20 July 2020

    Noise pollution is able to influence a person’s physical and mental health. This is not something you want for your workers. In a state like this, their productivity will diminish and they may also take more time off. Thankfully, we have a solution. Our team creates products like the safety valve silencer to lessen the amount of noise in industrial environments.

    A few decades ago, noise was not much of a concern in the ventilation and fan industry. These days, things are different. It is becoming more of a widespread issue. The World Health Organisation has actually categorised noise as pollution. As a result people need to do more to combat it.

    There are several places where it is even more important to silence equipment. For example places like pharmaceutical companies, universities, and hospitals need to be as quiet as possible. You typically find these structures in big cities. As such, the equipment has to meet incredibly strict criteria so that it does not affect people living in the area.

    With items like fans and ventilation systems, it is the designer’s job to dictate what a suitable sound level is for the project.

    It could merely be a situation where you select the correct kind of fan. After all, fans tend to come with unique sound attributes. To put it simply, some are louder than others. Centrifugal fans that come with airfoil wheels are normally quieter. Propeller fans are usually loud.

    Sometimes, a project will demand that you stick to a certain fan design despite there being sound concerns. In this case, it is up to you to choose the best option to limit the noise.

    One of the easiest solutions is to use a silencer. These come in a variety of materials, sizes, and shapes. However, like with other products, the better the design of the silencer, the more efficient it will be. We can assist you with this step by using our advanced acoustic modelling software.

    At Ventx, we work on the behalf of a wide array of clients from different industries. Some request that we build them a specific type of silencer for their fan and ventilation systems. Whatever your demands, we will work hard to meet them.

    So, if there is anything we can aid you with, please get in touch. We can discuss designs for a safety valve silencer or any other style. With our help you will get the best solution.

    Noise Is More Than An Issue Now Than It Was Decades Ago

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