
Desks are normally associated with any working environment such as office, school, private study room, library. Desks are an omnipresent feature of any office, and like many other pieces of office furniture, they come in various shapes and sizes. Most of the desks are made up of wood or metal. Although, its rare nowadays to find an office desk completely made up of either if these two materials and more often an office desk is made up of both wood and metal. Office desks also have some storage features such as an attached drawer, cupboard or a small filing cabinet inbuilt. With the advent of computing most manufacturers have modified office desks to support office equipment, and now most of the office desks come with cable ports at the top which allows a user to easily manage power and network cables. Office desks can be rectangular or circular, and the weight of a desk also depends on the type of material used.

  • Omos Ltd