Advocate Business Solutions Ltd

Advocate Business Solutions provides cost effective support to business owners and managers, seeking to reduce costs, improve margins, and smooth cash flow. This can be across the whole business, or project specific, the objective is always the same, to generate a tangible and measurable benefit to the organisation. 

With over 30 years experience in a variety of business segments, we use plain English not 'buzzwords', we identify real and practical solutions not impractical theory and deliver on our promises.

From analysis of the current business, and the environment in which it operates, to clear and specific recommendations together with projected outcomes. 

To provide you with the best support and to offer the right advice, we obviously need to really understand your business your style and vision for the future.  Our initial consultation therefore doesn’t last for an hour or two, but for as long as it takes – and it’s completely free, even if that means multiple visits, phone calls and emails.  Once we have carried out our initial assessment we provide a detailed plan of action and clearly outline our costs in a no obligation quotation.

Once we are on board, we are so committed to helping our clients, and so confident that we can, we only charge when you start to see measurable results – which certainly set us apart from your average consultant.    If we can’t save you money, increase your sales, improve your margins, streamline your systems, or whatever it is you want support with, then why should you pay for something that you get no benefit from?

We aim to use existing systems and software so the need for additional investment and thus cost is not required. We are able to work independently or alongside your business, depending on the requirement and we will train your team so that they are very quickly self sufficient, including documented training materials where appropriate.

8 Thompson Way West Wick Weston super Mare BS24 7FJ United Kingdom

