ESH Trace Heating Ltd

ESH Trace Heating Ltd offer you the complete trace heating package, from full system design and product manufacturing, to trace heating installation, testing and commissioning. 

Looking for supply only? We design and manufacture a comprehensive range of trace heating products and systems for pipework, tanks and vessels, including products approved for hazardous area trace heating operations. An extensive range of trace heating cable and ancillaries are held in stock ready for next day delivery.

ESH have a proven track record of outstanding service and have supplied our trace heating tape to a wide range of industries including building and construction, chemical and food processing, quarrying, incinerator plants and utilities such as electricity generation, water supply and treatment, telecommunications and oilfield services both on-shore and off-shore.

If you have a specific design requirement or need advice on your present or future heat trace applications, please contact us

Haybrook Halesfield 9 Telford TF7 4QW United Kingdom

