Star Anodising and Finishing Ltd

Serving the Electronics, Engineering and Aerospace industries since 1955, Star Anodising & Finishing Ltd. is approved by various leading companies...

Star Plating was originally formed in 1955 by Mr W.W.H. Smith, the father of the present Managing Director, Mr Rod Smith.  Operating from small premises in Dartford, Expansion of business, which was then mainly cyanide zinc plating, led to the first move to St. Fidelis Road.  Further growth, including growing demand from customers for anodising work, led to an extension being built on the second premises in early 1987.

Then, early in 1989, the area came up for development with emphasis on office and residential accommodation.  As the premises had again become too small, in spite of the extension, Star Plating moved to our present location at Power Works, Slade Green, Erith, Kent.  Here, Rod Smith made an investment of leasing a 35,000 sq. ft. site over 20 years.
In 1990, Rod and his Partner, William Powell, purchased the site, with 6500 sq. ft. currently being used by Star Anodising & Finishing Ltd. as we are now known.

Star Anodising and Finishing Ltd Overview