The Make

We Make films full of emotionally engaging content that are TV ready no matter your budget. We work with a wide range of formats across many platforms including branded content, corporate videos, events, music promos, junkets, commercials and TV shows.

The Make is a collective of Directors, Producers, Camera Operators and Editors from the TV industry each with over 10 year’s experience in their creative field. We set up shop because we had a passion to create strong video content that really moved people and demanded a reaction from it’s audience. 

Due to video being so accessible we were aware that the market was flooded with poor output and felt many companies were not getting value for money. Whilst people know how to create video they do not necessarily know how to make something that relates to an audience or customers.

Having spent years creating TV shows that engage a mass audience in a very short space of time, we decided to harness our experiences and skills into helping companies like yours make content that connects your brand to your audience. You will be able to utilise our expertise to make emotionally driven content that is broadcast quality irrespective of the budget!


The Make Overview