WiseDriving Insurance


WiseDriving is a market leader car insurance provider based on a very unique approach. You will be given a reduction of up to 40 percent on your car insurance by us and eventually you will become a more safer driver with our support.

Our Car Insurance works, we know this because most of our customers has improved thier driving and intern paid less on their insurance premium. Research shows that being a young or new driver can be expensive. Wise Driving will reward you if drive safely, it's really as simple as that. 
Blackbox Insurance also know as Telematics insurance can monitor how you drive using the latest technology. In many cases a little black box is fitted inside your car, the box is not visible at all and will not effect the performance of your car at all. 

The box tracks how you brake and accelerate aswell as the time of day that you are driving. The info that is captured is used to create a Driving Behaviour Score, the safer you drive the higher you score will be. If you score well your car insurance premium will be reduced. 

Our aim is to make you a safer driver with tips and ideas aswell as personal dashboard which will provide you with daily updates on how you are doing and what improvements yuo can make to better your score and make you a safer driver.         

Major benefits of blackbox car insurance include:
- Accident Alert enabled assist you on the road and keep you safe after an accident
- Can track your vehicle if it is stolen
- Uninsured Loss Protection for legal costs up to the value of £100,000
- UK Claims Line available 24/7 for all new claims 

iGO4 House Staniland Way Peterborough PE4 6JT United Kingdom

