LTC1702A - Dual 550kHz Synchronous 2-Phase Switching Regulator Controller

Supplied by
  1. Analog Devices Ltd

    LTC1702A - Dual 550kHz Synchronous 2-Phase Switching Regulator Controller
    The LTC1702A is a dual switching regulator controller optimized for high efficiency with low input voltages. It includes two complete, on-chip,independent switching regulator controllers each designed to drive a pair of external N-channel MOSFETs in a voltage mode feedback,synchronous buck configuration. The LTC1702A uses a constant-frequency, true PWM design switching at 550kHz, minimizing external component size and cost and maximizing load transient performance. The synchronous buck architecture automatically shifts to discontinuous and then to Burst Mode® operation as the output load decreases, ensuring maximum efficiency over a wide range of load currents. The LTC1702A features an onboard reference trimmed to 0.5% and can provide better than 1% regulation at the converter outputs. Open-drain logic outputs indicate whether either output has risen to within 5% of the final output voltage and an optional latching FAULT mode protects the load if the output rises 15% above the intended voltage. Each channel can be enabled independently; with both channels disabled, the LTC1702A shuts down and supply current drops below 100µA.