i-Raman Prime Spectrometer System BWS475-532H-HT B&Wtek 840000673 - i-Raman®Prime

Supplied by
  1. Lab Unlimited UK

    i-Raman Prime Spectrometer System BWS475-532H-HT B&Wtek 840000673 - i-Raman®Prime
    The i-Raman Prime is a low noise and high throughput portable Raman spectrometer system operable with embedded tablet and external PC control, laser excitation of 785nm or 532nm exiting FC/PC port, and SMA coupled detection. With a spectral range of 150-3400 (cm-1) and software-configurable laser power, the spectrometer includes an expansion port facilitating using the probe with trigger button. DC power input with AC/DC adapter.