Safety Managers

Safety managers are employed by construction and other companies to advise the directors and managers of their statutory obligations when it comes to health, safety and welfare in the workplace. They are also charged with ensuring safe conditions for employees as they go about their duties. Day to day tasks carried out by a safety manager will include developing policies and procedures for safe working and acting as a health and safety adviser and trainer to staff on their own responsibilities and best practice. Regular inspections and risk assessments must be carried out of all areas where employees have access to minimise the chances of accidents. Ensuring employees have the right personal protective equipment (PPE) is also important. A health and safety officer will also investigate and record the details of accidents in the workplace. Every company has a duty to adequately protect its employees from accidents and harm in the workplace, so a health and safety inspector will be found in most organisations such as manufacturing and services environments. Roles may be particularly specialised in the construction and engineering; chemical processing; and mining, quarrying, oil and gas exploration industries, where safety and risk management are especially critical.

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