Microscopy analysis of metals

Microscopy analysis of metals studies the properties of such materials under magnification to learn more about their surface and structure. All metals react differently to the processes and treatments to which they are subjected when in use, for example when cast, welded or subjected to heat treatment. Understanding how they will stand up to these rigours when exposed to them in real-life applications can help a business ensure the suitability of a particular metal for a particular application and assist with quality control. Microscopy is the technique most commonly used in metallurgy analysis to evaluate the structure of metals and alloys. Solutions can help with everything from identification of a particular alloy to determination as to whether it has been correctly processed; whether there are imperfections or where the metal has degraded or been damaged. The two most common forms of magnification techniques used are optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM/EDX). Microscopy analysis of metals is widely used across manufacturing and industry for ensuring the quality and integrity of products. This includes the engineering and fabrication industries, aerospace and oil production.

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