Crystallography Analysis

Crystallography analysis is the examination of the arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids. It is particularly pertinent in the materials science field, where it is used to establish the characteristics of different materials. Understanding the structure of the crystalline arrangement of atoms can ultimately help scientists make predictions about how various materials will perform under differing conditions. Samples are targeted with a beam of some type, such as electrons, neutrons or x-rays. Analysis is then carried out on the resulting diffraction patterns to understand the relationship between the atomic structure of a material and its properties. Crystallography analysis can be used on any solid object, from metals to viruses; and also on liquids and gases. Crystallographers are able therefore to study a hugely diverse range of substances from living cells to superconductors and ceramics. This form of analysis is widely used in research and educational establishments, and in materials science to characterise different materials. The findings are of assistance for the pharmaceuticals and manufacturing industries, to name but two.

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