Nano-Technology Research and X-Ray Analysis

Nanotechnology is a relatively new science and involves the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular and supramolecular scale, i.e. matter with at least one dimension, sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nano-technology research and x-ray analysis involves using x-ray diffraction to study the structures of materials, which leads to a better understanding of their properties and potential uses. Nanomaterials analysis and research is allowing fields as diverse as medicine, electronics, engineering and consumer products to make huge leaps in what can be achieved in the science and technology field. Research is ongoing and equally as diverse. Just a few examples include wholly new approaches based on molecular self-assembly; removing pollution from groundwater with nanoparticles; using nanoparticles to deliver drugs to cancer cells within the human body; and improving the capability while reducing the size of electronic devices. Clearly, possible applications are virtually limitless. As well as medicine, the environment and electronics, there are also implications for the military, biomaterials energy production and automotive industries, alongside many more.

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