Surface Analysis

Surface analysis involves the utilisation of microscopic chemical and physical probes to test the surface area of a sample and yield information and data about its qualities and properties. A sample can be any piece of material, any structure, device or substance that requires study for a range of reasons. Surface analysis methods are a unique opportunity to discover the elements that compose the surface and the chemical state of materials that exist only on the surface itself of a material. This kind of analysis is not possible with any other techniques, and is important because the surface is the area that holds the characteristics (such as adhesion, electrical properties, friction and corrosion resistance) that make a material more or less suitable for specific applications. Naturally, the surface is also the principle area where degradation or contamination may affect a material, rendering it unsuitable for use. Surface analysis techniques are invaluable for research and development departments. Failure analysis, diagnosing and solving problems with products and determining quality are all areas that also benefit from surface analysis.