Water Quality and Legionella Testing

Water quality and legionella testing tests the quality of the water to determine if the legionella bacteria is present in the water. Legionella bacteria can lead to pneumonia and hot and cold water systems, manufacturing processes and water coolers are all vulnerable to possible contamination. Legionella bacteria can be fatal and therefore it is important that regular tests be carried out by fully trained professionals. Testing of water quality and legionella bacteria should be carried out by trained professionals to identify if the water has been contaminated with the bacteria. If the water has been contaminated, necessary steps should be taken to rectify it, possibly cleaning and/or chlorination, and help eliminate any further potential bacteria and possible health risk. Employers, landlords or any persons responsible for premises has a duty of care to have the water tested to ensure the water is suitable for use and to prevent exposure to the legionella bacteria to people within the organisation.

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