Rocburn Ltd

At Rocburn Limited, we are the fastest growing electric and manual window opening and ventilation specialist. We provide you with window opening solutions  professionally and efficiently, and we help with a variety of problems providing the best window opening solutions service.

  1. ACK4 Bottom Hung Open in Bracket

    ACK4 Bottom Hung Open in Bracket
    At Rocburn we offer both electric window openers and all the brackets and accessories to keep your opener in place and in perfect working order. We have brackets available and ready to dispatch to you whatever the type of window you have, whether they're bottom or top hung, side hung or are roof mounted skylights.

    And if the window opener isn't quite perfectly fitted there's an acoustic buzzer installed that will inform you that you need to make a few adjustments. If you need a bit of advice on which bracket you need for your window opener just contact us and one of our technical team will guide you through which model you need.

    For more on our ACK4 Brackets for Bottom Hung Windows just give us a call.
  2. ACK4 Chain Opener

    ACK4 Chain Opener
  3. ACK4 Chain Opener with Adjustable Stroke

    ACK4 Chain Opener with Adjustable Stroke
  4. ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Set

    ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Set
    At Rocburn we don't just provide you with ACK4 electric window openers but will keep you stocked with all the spare parts and accessories you'll need. That way you're always well-stocked if anything does go wrong or you need to modify the opener to your window. And among the items we have available are frame adjustment pin and cap sets.

    We've got large, medium and small pin options available depending on the type and size of opener you've got in place. Place your order with us and we'll have them on their way to you that day. or of you need a bit of advice on which pin size to choose just talk to one of our team and they'll make things easy for you.

    Call us for more on our ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Sets.
  5. ACK4 Extended Pin & Cap Set

    ACK4 Extended Pin & Cap Set
    Rocburn Limited are the fastest growing electric and manual window opening and ventilation specialist. Our range includes: ACK4 Extended Pin & Cap Set
  6. ACK4 Frame Pin Set

    ACK4 Frame Pin Set
    When you're putting brackets in place for your window actuator you many find you need extra length on the standard pin. So at Rocburn we're got extension pins of various sizes ready and waiting to be dispatched to you if you need them. They're specifically for use with the ACK4 range of window actuators.

    The available sizes go up to an extra 30-40mm with our large frame Pins. The medium pins give you an extra 20-30mm, and the small an extra 10-20mm to secure the bracket and actuator in place. If you need help choosing which will be best for your actuator just talk to a member of our team and they'll find the right pin set for you.

    Get in touch with us to order a Set of ACK4 Frame Pins.
  7. ACK4 Large Frame Pin

    ACK4 Large Frame Pin
    Rocburn Limited are the fastest growing electric and manual window opening and ventilation specialist. Our range includes: ACK4 Large Frame Pin
  8. ACK4 Large Frame Pin Set

    ACK4 Large Frame Pin Set
    If you find you need extra extension pins when you're installing the brackets for your window actuator to sit in then let us know at Rocburn. We've got sets of large pins ready and waiting here to be dispatched so you can fix up your brackets without delay and get your electric window opener working.

    The pins are created for use with the ACK4 range of actuator and the large option provides an extra 30-40mm for you. And if you need an extension pin but not quite so long as that then we've also got smaller and medium options available. Once you've placed your order we'll have the pins sent out to your location within 24 hours.

    For more on our ACK4 Large Frame Pin Sets get in touch with us.
  9. ACK4 Medium Frame Pin

    ACK4 Medium Frame Pin
    Rocburn Limited are the fastest growing electric and manual window opening and ventilation specialist. Our range includes: ACK4 Medium Frame Pin
  10. ACK4 Medium Frame Pin Set

    ACK4 Medium Frame Pin Set
    At Rocburn we stock all sizes of extension pin for use with the ACK4 range of window actuators. So if you're having trouble with setting up the brackets then give us a call and we'll send over the extension pins in a fast turnaround time so you're aren't held up or inconvenienced too much. We've got large, medium or small sets of frame pins depending on what you need.

    With the medium sized extension pins you get an extra 20-30mm to work with when you're putting the actuator in place. If you're not sure what size you need then feel free to talk to one of our team - they're on hand to provide guidance and advice and make sure you make the right purchase.

    So contact us for more on our ACK4 Medium Frame Pin Sets.