ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Set

Supplied by
  1. Rocburn Ltd

    ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Set
    At Rocburn we don't just provide you with ACK4 electric window openers but will keep you stocked with all the spare parts and accessories you'll need. That way you're always well-stocked if anything does go wrong or you need to modify the opener to your window. And among the items we have available are frame adjustment pin and cap sets.

    We've got large, medium and small pin options available depending on the type and size of opener you've got in place. Place your order with us and we'll have them on their way to you that day. or of you need a bit of advice on which pin size to choose just talk to one of our team and they'll make things easy for you.

    Call us for more on our ACK4 Extended Pin and Cap Sets.