Signal processing Engineering

Signal processing is the function that transforms information about the actions of some events. Signals normally provide sensors and quite often, the original signal is converted into another form of energy by way of a transducer (a device that converts energy from one form to another). An example of this is a microphone; it converts audio sound signals to a voltage waveform. There are two main types of signals: analogue and digital. Analogue signals are constant while digital signals often occur through the testing of analogue signals, for example, a circuit may be placed to read the voltage levels on the line intermittently. The different types of signals include, motion, moving particles through space, sound or vibration, noise, images and videos. Signal process engineering is involved in almost every aspect of engineering or industry. Almost everything involves movement, noise, vibrations and or sound. Signal process engineering is involved in manufacturing and electrical industries as well as mechanical and aerospace fields.