Telecommunications Engineering

Telecommunications engineering is a sub branch of engineering that incorporates all electrical engineering processes, including computer and systems engineering. Telecommunications engineering, or telecoms engineering, designs telecom equipment and facilities, for example, fibre optics cabling, copper wire telephone facilities. Telecoms engineering overlaps considerably with broadcast engineering. Telecoms engineering provides a tool that customers can use to communicate via a high-speed telephone and data service. The telecoms network infrastructure is created using a wide variety of equipment and transport means. Telecommunications engineers have a wonderful technical knowledge and they use this skill to provide solutions to a vast array of issues connected with the telecommunications field, such as wireless connections, satellite communications and internet access, just to mention a few. Telecommunication engineers’ work on a project based schedule quite often with tight deadlines and specific targets to be achieved. They work closely with political and media organisations to ensure privacy and security. This particular field of engineering plays a huge role in everyday life from the home to the business place and the engineers are responsible for maintaining a good communication service and reviewing company records of equipment and asset facilities.