Manufacturing Engineering

Manufacturing engineering involves turning raw materials into new or improved products in the most effective and efficient way. This particular subsection of the engineering field deals with the many sciences and practices, including the research, design and development of a process or system. Once a project has been approved, the manufacturing engineer will analyse it to determine the most efficient and economical way to produce the final product, and in doing so will consider costs and staffing requirements. Manufacturing engineering covers a wide range of things that we use daily, from the simple basic items to the more complicated and intricate. Almost everything is manmade and the manufacturing engineering principles are involved in every process. Manufacturing engineering involves many tools such as robots, numerical controllers, packaging and shipping facilities. Manufacturing engineering is present in any industry that uses machinery from initial design to distribution of the final product. Manufacturing engineers design, create and produce a variety of products from food to toys, from computer chips to cars. Manufacturing engineers are involved in the project right from the start and their input is invaluable.