Sanitary Disposal

Sanitary disposal is a discreet and hygienic method of disposing female sanitary waste, and by providing the necessary equipment it ensures this is done in a safe and environmentally friendly way, while complying with UK legislation. There are many different types of sanitary disposal units, it is best to select the ones that meet your needs and will make your female employees, and visitors feel safe and comfortable when using the facilities. There are many different sizes and types of sanitary disposal units, from units that can easily fit alongside the toilet to units that can be activated by a sensor rather than touch. All of this adds to the comfort and discretion of the female user. Since 1992 and the introduction of the sanitary waste disposal regulation every female restroom should have a sanitary disposal unit and these should be emptied/collected regularly to ensure a fresh and clean washroom environment. Collection is carried out regularly and a waste transfer certificate is provided to show your business is compliant with UK law.

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