Returns Management

Returns Management is identifying the reason for a return and quickly resolving any issues and learning from them to prevent it happening again. Also, by reducing the number of returns allows you to minimise the negative impact on sales figures and reduce the associated costs that come with a return and possible replacement. Consumer returns can leave the customer feeling dissatisfied and the relationship may be affected. Additional costs to the customer may be incurred to return the product to the company and then additional shipping costs if a replacement product is to be sent. Product recalls can happen for various reasons, but this can leave a customer feeling unsure and mistrusting of future purchases with the company, therefore, it is imperative that product recalls are non-existent or kept to a minimum. These are two of the main returns, however there are also Marketing returns, Asset returns and Environmental returns. Almost every organisation who supplies goods to a customer can potentially experience a return at some point in their trading years. It is important to effectively deal with the returns and generate quick re-sale if possible. Returns can have an adverse effect on the company’s cash flow and profit margins therefore it is essential that any returns are dealt with quickly and generated into cash if possible by re-selling or recycling where possible.

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