ACK4 Standard Bracket Set in Black

Supplied by
  1. Rocburn Ltd

    ACK4 Standard Bracket Set in Black
    At Rocburn we can provide you with the ACK4 window actuator and the bracket that keeps it in place and securely held to the window. We've got standard bracket fittings, large and small pivot options, and vertical mounting brackets - just talk to our sales team about which is best suited for your windows and we'll make sure you choose the right bracket.

    With the standard bracket we can supply you with black, white or silver version to suit your window. And an acoustic buzzer built into the actuator will let you know if it isn't sitting correctly in the bracket. We've got the brackets ready and waiting so we can have them on their way to you as soon as you place your order.

    For more on our Standard ACK4 Bracket Sets in Black just give us a call.