
Vents are an opening used to provide an outlet for air, smoke, gases or fumes to escape. They can be placed on a wall or within a system. A common form of Air vent is used in bathrooms as they allow movement of air by enabling moisture to escape and fresh air to enter. This prevents mould and damp forming. The same principle is used by venting bricks which are placed within walls to allow moisture to escape and prevent damp. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Vents are used widely throughout businesses and within the home. As well as preventing the build-up of damp and moisture they can also be used to remove fumes such as those produced in kitchens. They can also be used within laboratories to create a clean environment or remove toxic fumes or gases.

  • Rocburn Ltd

  • Bilco UK Ltd

  • Aval Ltd

  • Airflo Envirorental Ltd